Abraham's Equine Clinic
Educational Articles
Senior Equine Care
Educational Articles
With advances in medicine and nutrition, horses are living longer than ever. The average life expectancy is now 25-30 years, but many are living even longer! “Old age” is not a disease but there are a lot of special considerations for geriatric horses.
Fall Vaccination Reminder
Educational Articles
With fall just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about vaccinations again. Below is some information on what our team at Abraham’s Equine Clinic is recommending for your adult horses, pregnant mares, and foals.
The Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Educational Articles
Is your horse making respiratory noise when being worked? Are they not finishing the barrel pattern as they have previously? Are you noticing frequent coughing associated with eating or exercise? Does your horse have nasal discharge?
Pre-Purchase Exams
Educational Articles
Are you thinking about buying a horse this summer? Abraham's Equine Clinic is happy to offer pre-purchase examinations!
That Gut Feeling: The What, Why, & How to Identify / Treat Equine Gastric Ulcers
Educational Articles
The development of gastric ulcers in horses, known as Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS), can be a common cause of decreased performance, weight loss, behavioral changes, and colic.
Potomac Horse Fever: What’s the Fuss All About?
Educational Articles
Potomac horse fever (PHF) is caused by the intracellular bacteria Neoricketsia ristcii. Horses are typically affected during the late spring, summer, and fall months. Many cases are near bodies of water and are commonly seen in the midwest and northeast regions of the United States.