Pre-Purchase Exams
Educational Articles

Are you thinking about buying a horse this summer?
Abraham's Equine Clinic is happy to offer pre-purchase examinations!
Here are some things to think about when considering a pre-purchase exam, and why we take pride in offering comprehensive exams for your first pony and performance horses alike.
A pre-purchase exam (PPE) is a snapshot of soundness and medical health of your future family member.
A good history related to frequency of joint injections, previous injury, and level of work give a generalized assumption of what it takes to maintain the level of soundness and health the horse presents with. Recent (within months) join injections and some drugs can affect the exam and may be difficult or impossible to detect. Radiographs, ultrasound, and other diagnostic imaging can be performed if requested during a pre-purchase exam. Typically, a full lameness exam with diagnostic analgesia (blocking) is not performed at the time of a PPE.
Any imaging performed during a PPE is part of the medical record. If a potential buyer is responsible for the financial coverage of the exam, this information stays with you and your new family member. So, while imaging can be a hefty investment, it can also begin to inform your horses' orthopedic health from the time of possession.
A few "housekeeping" items: If Abraham's has a previous relationship with the seller, this is a conflict of interest. Exams may only proceed if agreed upon by all parties. Please let your veterinarian know if the horse is to be insured, and if the PPE is to be part of an "insurance exam".
Finally, a friendly reminder that veterinarians are not equipped to decide nor to recommend if a horse is fit for their intended use. Only the prospective buyer is able to fully decide whether or not a horse is a good "fit".
Article written by Dr. Alyssa Ball, DVM, MS